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Dreamscreen has been a long-standing dream of CEO/Founder Clayton Jacobson who began experimenting with virtual production as far back as 2004 using Playstation backgrounds, greenscreen and foreground performances.


By 2009, Clayton had produced and directed a virtual production webseries called Mordy Koots in partnership with Obisoft. He coined the acronym MOGIE (Movie Over Game Integrated Entertainment).


In 2016, Clayton built Australia’s first LED virtual production R&D station in his backyard shed. The interest was always there, but it was about waiting for the gaming engines to deliver more dynamic, realistic and performant graphics. By 2020 it was starting to arrest greater attention.


Then Covid19 hit, and Clayton’s next feature film fell over due to lockdowns. Virtual production immediately became a priority in a world suffering from a pervasive virus and social distancing. Clayton put a team together and by August that year had formed the company Dreamscreen - named after the tests and R&D undertaken in his shed back in 2016.



Since its inception in 2019, The Epic Games Epic MegaGrants program has been supporting the developer/creator community in a way that would actively foster innovation and success. Across six continents, over 1,800 recipients and counting are now using the engine to realise new tech, new experiences, and long-held dreams. 


Epic MegaGrants is a $100 million commitment to support anyone around the globe doing outstanding work with Unreal Engine or enhancing open-source capabilities for the 3D graphics community. Dreamscreen Australia was lucky enough to be recognised by Epic Games for our dedication to bringing virtual production capabilities to Victoria.

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